Strategic Plan » AWRSD Strategic Plan - Post-Graduate Outcomes Goal #1: Pathways

AWRSD Strategic Plan - Post-Graduate Outcomes Goal #1: Pathways

Post-Graduate Outcomes Goal #1: Pathways

Theory of Action: If we create clear pathways for students to maximize their time with us, then our students will be more likely to find success after graduation.

Strategic Objective #1: Create clear pathways that encourage students to create a four year plan for high school as well as beyond.

Priority Initiatives

Person(s) Responsible

Timeline (2023-2026)


Evidence of Effectiveness

Year 0 (2023-2024)

Have all high school students create and revise goals

High School Administration and Teachers

Fall 2023 (create) and Spring 2024 (revise)

Staff Training

Student created goals

Create clear pathways for students in grades 8-12

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Spring 2024

Rough draft pathways

Pathways documents

Identify consistent method for Overlook and Oakmont students to document progress towards goals and self-exploration

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Spring 2024

Existing Naviance accounts

Systems identified for use going forward

Continue to survey students post graduation about their experiences after high school


Summer 2023

Existing survey

Data collection

Year 1 (2024-2025)

Pilot pathways documents for students in grades 8-12

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Winter 2025 (Scheduling time)

Rough draft pathways

Scheduling process that incorporates Pathways Documents

Year 1 (2024-2025), continued

Revise pathways for students in grades 8-12 based upon initial pilot

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Spring 2025

Existing scheduling process

Revised pathways documents

Strengthen pathways by connecting them to clear outcomes for students

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department, Department heads

Summer 2025

Funds, guidance counselor experience, department heads

Revised pathways documents and list of identified areas for improvement within the program of studies

Select a method for tracking goals over a student’s high school career

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Tech Director, High School Guidance

SY 2024-25

Review procedures in place for new curriculum materials

An internal of external system for tracking student goal progress will be identified

Continue to survey students post graduation about their experiences after high school and conduct analysis on data gathered


Summer 2024

Existing survey and process in place

Data collection

Share data with the community and use it to define desired outcomes


Summer 2025

Existing survey and process in place

Data shared with community and posted on district website

Year 2 (2025-2026)

Revise pathways for students in grades 8-12 based upon feedback from community

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Fall 2025

Pathways documents created previous year


Publish pathways documents for students in grades 8-12

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Fall 2025

Pathways documents created previous year

Published documents on District website

Year 2 (2025-2026), continued

Continue to survey students post graduation about their experiences after high school and conduct analysis on data gathered


Summer 2026

Existing survey and process in place

Data shared with community and posted on district website

Share data with the community and use it to define desired outcomes


Summer 2026

Existing survey and process in place

Data shared with community and posted on district website

Year 3 (2026-2027)

Evaluate progress in improving student outcomes post graduation based upon pathway adoption

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Middle and High School Guidance Department

Fall 2026

Pathways documents created previous year, DESE DART Data

Published documents on District website