Strategic Plan » AWRSD Strategic Plan - Universal Social Emotional Learning Goal #2: SEL Curriculum

AWRSD Strategic Plan - Universal Social Emotional Learning Goal #2: SEL Curriculum

Universal Social Emotional Learning Goal #2: SEL Curriculum

Theory of Action: If we develop and implement consistent readiness and wellness processes to address social/emotional, mental health, behavioral, and academic preparedness in a safe environment, then students’ social emotional core competencies will increase. 

SMART Goal: By the end of the 2026-2027 school year we will improve universal SEL support across the district as measured by an improvement in DESSA screener scores and discipline data. 

Strategic Initiative 2.2: Provide direct instruction to all students around the core competencies of SEL to better provide a safe, supportive, and nurturing setting for all learners.

Priority Initiatives

Person(s) Responsible



Evidence of Effectiveness

Year 0 (2023-2024)

Identify scheduling challenges in all elementary schools to implementing an SEL curriculum during the school day

Elementary Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


Current Building Schedules, SEL Program Pacing Guides

A list of scheduling challenges and possible solutions

Select high quality instructional materials for SEL in grades 6-8

Overlook Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Summer 2023

Pilot experience from SY22-23, funding

Curriculum selected and materials acquired

Launch high quality instructional materials for SEL in grades 6-8

Overlook Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


Materials, Science and Social Studies Teachers, PD Time, Time in Schedule

SEL program in the middle school pacing guide

Form SEL PLCs amongst teachers of the SEL curriculum

Overlook Administration, Teachers


PD Time, Time in Schedule

The formation of a PLC of all SEL teachers at Overlook

Identify scheduling challenges in Oakmont to implementing an SEL curriculum during the school day

Oakmont Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


Current Building Schedules, SEL Program Pacing Guides

A list of scheduling challenges and possible solutions

Year 0 (2023-2024), continued

Provide professional development in trauma informed classroom training to improve SEL tier 1 instruction

Assistant Director of Pupil Services, Director of Health and Wellness, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Staff

SY 23-24

PD Time

PD Calendar that ensures every building’s staff is trained in trauma informed classroom best practices

Develop a PK-12 social emotional framework and vision 

Leadership Cabinet

Summer 2024

Leadership Cabinet Time

Written social emotional framework and vision

Year 1 (2024-2025)

Implement a schedule that allows for intervention in all elementary schools with a plan to pilot an SEL curriculum during the school day (the schedule will be used for intervention until an SEL curriculum is piloted)

Elementary Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


Current Building Schedules, SEL Program Pacing Guides

A list of scheduling challenges and possible solutions

Provide professional development to support SEL curriculum materials in grades 6-8

Overlook Administration, Teachers, MTSS Coordinator, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


SEL committee

PD Schedule

Year 1 (2024-2025), continued

Implement a schedule that allows for intervention in all elementary schools with a plan to pilot an SEL curriculum during the school day

Oakmont Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction


Current Building Schedules, SEL Program Pacing Guides

A list of scheduling challenges and possible solutions

Communicate PK-12 social emotional framework and vision to faculty and staff

Leadership Cabinet

SY 24-25

Leadership Cabinet Time

Written social emotional framework and vision

Year 2 (2025-2026)

Pilot high quality instructional materials for social emotional learning in grades k-5

Elementary Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

SY 2025-26


A pilot plan SEL Curriculum in the elementary schools

Select high quality instructional materials for social emotional learning  in grades k-5

Elementary Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Spring 2026

Curriculum Review Guide

An SEL Curriculum in the elementary schools

Revise SEL curriculum materials to better align with SEL data in grades 6-8

Overlook Administration, Teachers, MTSS Coordinator, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

SY 2025-26

SEL committee

Revised scope and sequence documentation

Pilot high quality instructional materials for social emotional learning at Oakmont

Oakmont Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

SY 2025-26


A pilot plan SEL Curriculum in Oakmont

Select high quality instructional materials for social emotional learning at Oakmont

Oakmont Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

Spring 2026

Curriculum Review Guide

An SEL Curriculum in Oakmont

Year 3 (2026-2027)

Launch high quality instructional materials for social emotional learning in grades k-5

Elementary Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

SY 2026-27


A fully implemented SEL Curriculum in the elementary schools

Launch high quality instructional materials for social emotional learning at Oakmont

Elementary Administration, Teachers, Director of Curriculum and Instruction

SY 2026-27


A fully implemented SEL Curriculum in Oakmont