Strategic Plan » AWRSD Strategic Plan - Universal Academic Goal #1: High Quality Instructional Materials

AWRSD Strategic Plan - Universal Academic Goal #1: High Quality Instructional Materials


Theory of Action: If the Ashburnham Westminster Regional School District sets clear, high expectations for student learning; provide uniform curricula, instructional materials and lesson plans; and hold schools accountable for implementation, then student achievement will increase.

Strategic Goal: By the end of the 2026-2027 school year we will significantly improve universal instruction across the district as measured by an increase in the number of students who are exceeding expectations on MCAS and Acadience Reading K-5 assessments. 

Strategic Initiative 1.1: Increase the adoption of high quality instructional materials, which challenges and engages all learners.

Priority Initiatives

Person(s) Responsible



Evidence of Effectiveness

Year 0 (2023-2024)

Select evidence based preschool curriculum for adoption

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Pupil Services, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, PreK Teachers

Spring 2024

Wednesday afternoon meeting time with Director of Curriculum, Director of Pupil Services and PreK teachers

Program selected and purchased

Review and update the alignment of the math portion of report cards k-5 to ensure common reporting standards across the district.

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Fall-Winter 2023-24

Leadership cabinet time, faculty meeting time with teachers, and grade level meetings to ensure engagement with the process

Common usage of the math portion of report cards across the elementary schools

Review and update the math portion of report cards k-5 across the district to ensure common reporting standards and alignment with Bridges in Mathematics curriculum materials.

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Spring 2024

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers in grade level meetings and faculty meetings to ensure engagement with the process

Common report cards across the elementary schools

Year 0 (2023-2024), continued

Launch i-Ready math curriculum in grades 6-8

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Overlook administration, Overlook Math Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2023-24

Time, PD for teachers, Instructional Coaching

Walkthrough Data

Pilot ELA curriculum in grades 6-8

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Overlook administration, Overlook ELA Teachers, Overlook SPED Teachers

SY 2023-24

Time, PD for teachers, Regular meetings with pilot teachers, Funds for purchasing selected program

Meeting agendas, Purchased program, Walkthrough Data

Pilot i-Ready math Diagnostic in all grades at Overlook

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, All Building administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2023-24

PD time for teacher teams to meet and establish baseline achievement scores, PD on using data to establish achievement baseline.  

Achievement baselines established for math subject area and assessment

Document currently available common assessment and curriculum pacing for all high school classes and audit our alignment with state standards

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Oakmont Administration, Oakmont Teachers

SY 2023-24

Yearlong PD Focus

Centrally gathered materials and completed tracking documentation

Create common assessment and curriculum pacing for all high school classes

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Oakmont Administration, Oakmont Teachers

SY 2023-24

Yearlong PD Focus

Centrally gathered materials and completed tracking documentation

Year 0 (2023-2024), continued

Identify a common method for documenting curriculum

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Spring 2024

Leadership cabinet time 

Systems for documenting new and existing curriculum communicated to faculty

Create curriculum review calendar to support the systematic adoption of HQIM throughout the district

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator

Spring 2024

Leadership cabinet time 

Curriculum Review Calendar

Year 1 (2024-2025)

Launch evidence based preschool curriculum

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Director of Pupil Services, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, PreK Teachers

Fall 2024

Wednesday afternoon meeting time with Director of Curriculum, Director of Pupil Services and PreK teachers

Program selected and purchased

Review and update report cards k-5 across the district to ensure common reporting standards and alignment with current ELA curriculum materials

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Fall 2024

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process

Common report cards across the elementary schools that match the scope and sequence of the math program

Identify schedule that allows for intervention with targeted groups of students in all elementary students

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2024-25

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process.

New Schedule

Year 1 (2024-2025), continued

Launch i-Ready math Diagnostic in all grades at Overlook

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, All Building administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2023-24

PD time for teacher teams to meet and establish baseline achievement scores, PD on using data to establish achievement baseline.  

Achievement baselines established for math subject area and assessment

Launch new ELA Curriculum in grades 6-8

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Overlook administration, Overlook ELA Teachers, Educational Support Team

Fall 2024

External PD, money for materials, teacher planning time

A fully implemented new ELA curriculum along with assessments

Pilot ELA screener in all grades at Overlook

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, All Building administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Fall 2024

PD time for teacher teams to meet and establish baseline achievement scores, PD on using data to establish achievement baseline.  

Achievement baselines established for math subject area and assessment

Document all Oakmont curriculum in a consistent format

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Oakmont Administration, Oakmont Teachers

SY 2024-25

PD Time for teachers to collaborate and training on proper curriculum documentation

All courses in the program of studies will be documented in a consistent format with assessments and pacing

Use common assessments to identify baseline achievement data

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, All Building administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2024-25

PD time for teacher teams to meet and establish baseline achievement scores, PD on using data to establish achievement baseline.  

Achievement baselines established for each core subject area and assessment

Create curriculum review process guide to support the systematic adoption of HQIM throughout the district

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator

Spring 2025

Leadership cabinet time, Formation of a curriculum review guide committee 

Curriculum Review Calendar

Year 2 (2025-2026)

Use reading data to identify students who are below benchmark and intentionally group students for targeted intervention

MTSS Coordinator, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2025-26

Data meeting time, PD time on using data to effectively group students  

Student groupings based on reading data

Use math data to identify students who are below benchmark and intentionally group students for targeted intervention

MTSS Coordinator, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2025-26

Data meeting time, PD time on using data to effectively group students  

Student groupings based on math data

Review and update report cards k-5 across the district to ensure common reporting standards and alignment in all remaining areas 

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Fall 2025

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process.

Common report cards across the elementary schools that match the scope and sequence of the ELA programs

Use ELA and math data to create an intervention plan and calendar that is in alignment with curriculum materials

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Overlook administration, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Summer 2025

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process

Intervention plan from data on report cards across the elementary schools

Use math and ELA assessments to identify baseline achievement data

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, All Building administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2024-25

PD time for teacher teams to meet and establish baseline achievement scores, PD on using data to establish achievement baseline 

Achievement baselines established for each core subject area and assessment

Year 2 (2025-2026), continued

Create a structure that allows for targeted intervention using assessment data at Oakmont

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, All Building administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2024-25

Administrative time and ability to work with teachers 

System for deploying targeted intervention communicated with faculty

Use common assessments and baseline achievement data to identify students who are below benchmark and intentionally group students for targeted intervention

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2025-26

PD time on using data to effectively group students.  

Student groupings based on data

Create curriculum review council for other high leverage areas to evaluate whether the implementation of new curriculum materials is possible and practical

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2025-26

Administrative cabinet time

Curriculum council formation and meeting notes

Year 3 (2026-2027)

Launch new report cards k-5 across the district to ensure common reporting standards and alignment with current curriculum materials.

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, MHS/WES and JRB administration, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

Fall 2026

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process

Common report cards across the elementary schools that match the scope and sequence of all programs

Follow curriculum review process district wide

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers

SY 2026-2027

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process

Meeting minutes, new programs identified or not in transparent way

Year 3 (2026-2027), continued

Launch additional new 

programs as selected through the curriculum review process

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers

SY 2026-2027

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process

PD Calendar, new programs identified

Fully implement a cohesive educational plan that provides inclusive practices and personalized instruction to support universal access to the curriculum for all learners

Director of Curriculum and Instruction, all building administrators, Curriculum Coordinator, Teachers, Educational Support Team

SY 2026-2027

Leadership cabinet time and time with teachers to ensure engagement with the process